5 Quick Tips for Playing Against LAGs (Large Against Groups)

This kind of player is known as a loose-aggressive player (LAG) because of their tendency to often bet and raise with a wide variety of hands. They frequently contribute to pots, frequently raise the level of betting, and rely on their ability to disrupt other, more cautious players. Their boldness scares away less aggressive and gambling opponents, causing them to fold their cards and take the pot (often with better hands).

  • First and foremost, not all LAGS are the same.

LAGS who are both aggressive and thoughtful can be distinguished from those who pretend to be aggressive and thoughtful but who actually play a conservative style of poker by making remarks and making the occasional crazy move. An additional kind of crazy is one who is constantly drawn to gambling and other forms of high-stakes entertainment. The term “wildman” is used to describe these people.

  • A person’s place in a hierarchy

For the most part, you’ll want to keep your place on a LAG. Unlike in other asiabookie games, LAGs flourish when you’re afraid to gamble your fairly strong hands for fear of getting repeatedly raised from the pot. These people take advantage of your inexperience and gullibility to their own ends.

If you have an advantage over them, they will have a harder time seeing your weakness since they will have to act before you. As a consequence, sitting to the left of a LAG gives you a better view of what they’re doing before you have to respond.

  • It’s possible for a LAG to let go of his or her weapon in the face of aggression.

Many pots are won by lags betting into opponents they consider to be weak and then compelling them to fold the cards they have in their hands. With so many flops, this approach is generally effective since it does not often enhance their opponent’s cards. Because of this, people see the use of aggression by normally placid opponents as evidence of an opponent’s superiority over them. Because of this, they’re being compelled to give ground.

  • Re-stealing pots by raising the LAG’s stake is a common tactic for you because of your reputation as a tight and careful player.

Put yourself in the position of a typical LAG member who is accustomed to being the big, bad, bad guy at the meeting. Since they’re used to seeing aggressive players shrink, they’re more likely to assume that you’ve been hit by the deck as well as will fold your chips if you play aggressively.

  • When you have something of value in your hands, be more forceful.

Re-stealing a LAG is OK, but it’s best to focus your efforts on the rare, but not uncommon, occasions when you have a valuable hand. Even if you don’t have a super-strong hand, you should have the ability to develop one.

Last Words: Include a few float plays in your performance.

No need to show hatred right away when playing back at a LAG, just be professional. When a player is being bullied, it might be helpful to float a LAG’s raise and then begin the bet or raise them on the following street.