Did you know that poker in all its wonderful forms, is the most played card game in the world? It’s popularity has grown by leaps and bounds since the days of the casinos and poker rooms in the back of the saloons of the old west in America, and more people today are enjoying the card game that “separates the men from the boys”. Turn on the TV any time of any day, and you will find some kind of a poker tournament in progress under the scrutiny of the cameras, and the MC whispering into the mike of who he thinks holds the best poker hands. You should collect complete information about the poker games. You can register at the bandar judi bola for the playing of games with safety and security. The collection of the information about it is essential to avoid any scams and frauds at the online poker table.
Of course there are rules to be followed when playing poker, just as there are regulations for any card game or any game for that matter. The down to earth basics for the more noted and more commonly played types of poker are the rankings of the playing cards in the deck. Please note that only the face values of the cards count for anything here, the suits do not have any value when it comes to assigning value or ranking to the hand. The most common rankings of the playing cards are as follows: in descending value; Ace (high), 2 (low); with the face cards ranking as Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10. Keep in mind that the best poker hands in traditional play are those with the highest value. The opposite is true if you are playing lowball poker where the best poker hands are not the highest value in cards, but the lowest. In lowball, Ace plays low when you are playing games in A to 5, and A to 6; and in 2 to 7 lowball, the Ace plays high.
In order to be an effective poker player, you must understand the hierarchy of card combinations that can win the hand you are playing. Starting from the least important hand to the highest combo you could get, the list runs as such: high cards, 1 pair, 2 pair, 3 of a kind, Straight, Flush, Full House, 4 of a kind, Straight Flush. Remember that suits have no value in poker and that thought should always be included in your calculations when you are evaluating the best poker hands. Suits are used only to determine whether a hand fits into a certain category, for example flush and straight flush hands. What makes a flush a flush, is that the run of 5 cards is made up of all the same suit, not whether that suit is diamonds or spades, etc. If 2 players have the identical numbered cards in a straight flush, and for example one was 3,4,5,6,7 of spades; and the other run was 3,4,5,6,7 of diamonds-the spades are not higher than the diamonds, the hands are tied and the players must split the pot.
Bidding is all important in a poker game, but you also have to be very aware of what determines the best poker hands, and you must correctly bid the cards that are dealt to you, to the best of your ability. The rest of the players around the table are watching your every move, as they are also watching the other players to see if they can “read” what they all have in their dealt hands, and you must maintain your “poker face” even if your heart is pounding with fear, or pounding with joy because you have one of the best poker hands you have ever seen. Poker is a game of psychology as well as a game of cards.
No one ever became an expert in any field without lots of experience and the same holds true for playing poker. The more experience you have playing with all kinds of different players, watching how they bid, how they move, how they react when they look at their cards; the more prepared you will be for every successive game you get into as you keep on playing. Remember that old western jingle that goes something like “know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em”; well they were singing about poker hands and playing out their hands whether they were the best poker hands or the worst, and that advice is just as sage today as it was way back when.
One of the very best places and most informative places on earth to get the information you need on how to play poker, is on the Internet. There are so many sites there dedicated to the rules of the game and the mechanics of the play, the bidding, and what the best poker hands are, the worst poker hands and how to manipulate them all to your best advantage. There are even sites that tell you how to maintain a “poker face” and use it to sway the game in your favor; and sites telling you how to react to certain hands dealt to you depending on what others around the table have already bid. There are even sites on the Net that let you join a game already in progress online, and you can just play; you do not need to cough up any money, just join in and learn and have fun.
Our world would be a very dull place indeed without card games, and when it comes to poker; no matter what type of poker it is from 5 card stud to Texas Hold ‘Em, it is the card game of choice for millions of people around the globe. Poker has spawned a lexicon of words and expressions all its own such as “poker face” and “when the chips are down”, and can be a thrilling experience for someone to sit at a poker table and immerse themselves in the fun and drama that is poker. Whether you are sitting in a game with one of the best poker hands you have ever had or playing for the very first time and are nervous as all get out; the thrill is never far away as the play progresses and with experience you will find that soon you will be a poker playing aficionado as well.