How & why is Tagpoker free? What’s the catch?

If you’re like 99% of people that think this site is either too good to be true or want to know ‘what the catch is’ as surely this can’t all be free? Let us explain.

The reason this site is free and we don’t ask for any sort of joining fee or monthly subscription is because we make our money in several ways.

Firstly we sell advertising space and the only way we can sell advertising is by having traffic and we only have traffic if the site is worth visiting.

Secondly we are affiliates with most poker rooms and work to make sure we get our members the best poker bonuses and rakeback deals that are available online. For each member (like every site) we make a small commission.

Thirdly we have deals set up with a few poker rooms that pay a small fee towards Brokerstars training course which has helped lots of people become winning players and make a lot of money. We are most proud of this deal because it really is a way to help players with small bankrolls get one to one coaching that they probably couldn’t of afforded otherwise which is a win, win, win situation for everyone involved.

So there really is no catch. We’re not claiming to be a charity, there is clearly a lot in it for us and it’s in our interests to be the best at training players to beat the games. All of these reasons are why we continue to bring you the best poker training videos possible.

This site is not a get rich quick scheme and we are not promising you millions if you ‘download our secret strategy documents’. Instead what we can assure you of is that if you work really hard and study all of the material that these proven winning players have put up then the only limit to how much you can earn is one that you limit yourself to.

Most of you may want to know more about the sites lead instructor ‘Brokerstar’ before getting too involved in the site which is fine so read about him below.

Here’s a little background on me and the site. I started off playing poker over five years ago and like most I was a pretty huge losing player to start off with.

After deciding that I was fed up losing I bought a book called Super system and read everything in it on no limit holdem. After this I started to easily beat my friends in home games and thought I was now a poker god.

I decided to take my newly found skills online and thought this is where I’d make my millions. Sadly for me I knew nothing about bankroll management and found myself sitting in NL400 games with only a $600 deposit.

I clearly remember the moment that I lost $400 when I got it all in with QQ and came up against KK. I felt sick and stopped playing for a while then when I came back, took the rest of my now $200 roll and started playing NL100 (50c/$1 blinds). You can guess what happened, I lost it all in a couple of days with a combination of playing bad and being hugely under rolled for the games I was sitting in.

Now I felt a little upset and started to question my poker playing skills. It was then that I decided I wanted to know everything I could about No limit holdem. I went and bought just about every good book that I could get my hands on and read them cover to cover. I soon started to amass a bankroll playing in the right games for my budget and basically becoming much more aware of what I was doing.

On my journey to improve as a player I started to join poker training sites where I’d watch videos of some of the worlds best players and make pages and pages on notes, constantly trying to understand more why they were doing what they were doing and really grasp the concepts. When I felt that I wanted to improve even faster I employed a poker coach.

The first coach to help me was a guy called Bill Seymour. The reason that I chose him was simply due to the fact that he helped Daniel Negreanu and Phil Ivey early on in their poker careers, both of which are players that I admired. Whilst his training was certainly helpful it was quite expensive and involved me making long distance calls to America (before I discovered Skype).

The next guy to help me out was an instructor for Cardrunners. His name was Alex Yen or ‘Zaitzef’. I chose Alex as I was really impressed with his videos and how well he articulated his thoughts. He did a great job at helping me with my online, 6 max game. At the time I was playing as a prop player for a small euro site and this helped me crush the games I was playing.

I started to take an interest in heads up poker but sadly as a prop player I was not allowed to play heads up cash games (I have no idea why, it was just the rules). It later turned out that heads up SNG’s were ok for props to play and so I started goading the fish at my table to play me in the format. It was away for me to have the fish to myself and take them away from the other props (which I’m sure they didn’t like).

I really loved playing heads up and wanted to become the best that I could be. As I was only playing fish I seemed to be naturally small balling and just killing them when I had big hands and although this seemed simple enough I had some issues with the more aggressive players. This is when I decided to look for a specialist heads up SNG coach and I wanted one that seemed to play as I did and that’s when I discovered Paul Collins aka ‘Cogdissonance’. After just a few hours with him working out my glaringly obvious leaks I went on to really crush it and found that I enjoyed this format of the game more so than any other.

I make most of my money these days by training other players. I really love to teach and get much more ‘job satisfaction’ than simply playing. If I’m producing poker videos that actually get people crushing the game, then what better advert for my coaching services?

After watching the training videos , when people start to see real results and feel that I can help them with their game then they can be confident about investing their time and money into me.

This is why training videos are so important so as to understand the gist of the game especially a highly advanced venture like Poker Online that would give you a training of a lifetime for preparing for a nice and long game because poker is one that keeps getting better and better as the levels increase with the ultimate showdown being in the climax.

I found that hiring a coach for many is a huge decision and there are far too many coaches that either have no evidence of their playing and coaching skills or charge what I consider a crazy amount of money for their time with some coaches being over $500/ hour for higher stakes training and even at the low stakes the rates quite often start at $80/ hour.

If you want to know more about my coaching then watch the short video below and look at some of the options underneath that.

There’s plenty of info on Tagpoker to help you replicate Brokerstars bankroll challenge results. However, if you want to be able to learn in a few short hours what often takes people months or even years to master then look into either coaching option below.